Project:Style guide

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Revision as of 01:49, 11 July 2023 by Sirdog (talk | contribs) (awkwardness addressed adequately)
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When editors are contributing to this project they should follow the guidelines provided below so that articles have a consistent style and feel.

General conventions

Section titles

Section titles should follow sentence case (See also) and not title case (See Also). Note that proper nouns should still be capitalized (Rise of the Bluefaced Eagles in gaming).

American spelling

All pages must use American spelling.

Point of view

All pages in mainspace should be in third person (they, he, she, their) and not first person (I, me, myself, you). The point of view in the Project: namespace may switch between either point of view but must remain consistent on the page.


Capitalization should only occur if:

  • Punctuation demands it.
  • The word is a proper noun.
  • The word is an acronym.
  • A page is being spoken of from the perspective of it being a page, in which case the capitalization should match that of the page name.

Common incorrect uses include:

  • Capitalization of The without it being attached to the proper noun. in The United Kingdom is incorrect; in the United Kingdom is correct.
  • Common abbreviations. Etc., E.g, I.e is incorrect; etc., e.g, i.e is correct.


Dates should only be in 2 formats:

  • January 5, 2001 (January 5th, 2000 is incorrect, the th should be omitted)
  • 01/05/2001 (2000/05/01, 05/01/2000, and 01/05/01 are all incorrect; it should MM/DD/YYYY)

The 1st format should be preferred to the 2nd; the 2nd should only be used when space must be reduced.

etc v. etcetera

The abbreviation for etcetera should be used over spelling it out. Sally got apples, oranges, etcetera is incorrect; Sally got apples, oranges, etc. is correct.

Wikilink frequency

Generally speaking, a page should only be linked too once per article. This is not a hard rule and may be bent selectively for the reader's benefit.

Wikipedia linking

Generally, this should be reserved to linking to the internal pages of Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, or MediaWiki to assist editors with editing this project. This is not a hard rule and may be bent selectively for the reader's benefit.


Just use the number, do not write it out. Five is incorrect; 5 is correct.

Italicization of game names

When referring to video games always italicize them. Among Us is incorrect; Among Us is correct.

Oxford / Serial comma

The oxford / serial comma is to be used at all times. I like apples, oranges and pears is incorrect; I like apples, oranges, and pears is correct.


Contractions are never to be used unless it's within a quotation. There wasn't an announcement about the demotion is incorrect; There was not an announcement about the demotion is correct.